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Organic Brown Basmati Rice

  • $3.65
Bulk Refill Grocery Pantry (all cup sizes are estimates)

In-store pick up only

Brand: Lundberg Family Farms

Brown Basmati Rice Description

  • Ingredients brown basmati rice


     Gluten Free & Organic


  • Origin USA
  • Description Cal­i­for­nia Brown Bas­mati has always been a fam­i­ly favorite for its whole-grain good­ness, ver­sa­til­i­ty, and pleas­ant aro­ma. This long, thin grain is light and won’t clump togeth­er when cooked, mak­ing it a nat­ur­al fit for cur­ry, stir-fry, sal­ad, pilaf, and dessert recipes that call for dis­tinct ker­nels with a fluffy texture.

Cooking Instructions

2 cups of water for 1 cup of rice. 


Rinse the rice thoroughly and soak for 15 minutes. Add 1 tbsp of butter, oil or margarine and salt to taste.

Bring water and rice to boil. Cover pan with a tight lid and let simmer for 9-10 minutes. Remove from heat and allow it to stand covered for five minutes.